Although I don't consider myself a graphic designer, I have interests in typographical design that have made me embark on various projects exploring this interest. Check them out below!
Type Design
As an independent study while I was in college, I created a typeface that would allow me to explore my interest in type. I had always been fascinated by Chinese typefaces growing up, and the interest translated (no pun intended? 😂) when I moved to the US and learned English. I used this opportunity to learn about the process of type design, foundations of typography, and current tools used in type design. I loved the process.
📝 To see my complete process book, read here.
Some initial hand-drawn drafts:
Screenshots of the finished product in various sentences:
#100DaysOfLettering started out as my attempt to start a personal project, train myself to be more creative, and improve my amateur lettering skills. It was something that required daily commitment, and proved to be quite a challenge in that regard. In the end, I completed the project and achieved my goals of what I set out to do--start and finish a side project, and hone my skills as a lettering artist.
Feel free to check it out in my art instagram (you might have to scroll a bit though); some highlights are included below :)
CommTracks Magazine
CommTracks is an award-winning, annual magazine produced by the Communications Department at Simmons College. Every year, a team of seniors from all backgrounds in Communications work on bringing the magazine to life.
Since its first issue in 2006, CommTracks has placed Gold Medalist in the Columbia Scholastic Press Association every year for 12 consecutive years. Including the Spring 2017 issue shown below.
I was part of a four-person team of my peers, and one of two designers working on the magazine. The design process included deciding our overall theme, drafting and critiquing layout ideas, bringing them onto the computer, and then critiquing the computerized version of the layout. My role included designing not only the layout but also various ads placed in the magazine by sister organizations in the school.
Shen Gao, Designer & Editor 
Mariclare Rethore, Creative Director 
Julie Nickerson, Editorial Director 
Laura Campbell, Editor
Another 100 days challenge that I have unfortunately not followed all the way through--it really is a lot of commitment & time consumed to create designs for prompts every single day. I lasted...26 days 😂😭🙃
See the complete collection below. Or check it out on my instagram.
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